Com o Halloween a aproximar-se, o tema centrou-se a volta de coisas mais assustadoras. Eu fiz este pequeno vampiro do livro Super-Scary Mocimochi de Anna Hrachovec. Usei pequenas quantidades de novelos em cinzento, vermelho, branco e preto, olhos de plastico e agulhas de duas pontas tamanho 5 US.
With Halloween getting near, the theme revolved around spooky things. I made this little vampire from the book Super-Scary Mochimochi by Anna Hrachovec. I used small amounts of yarn in grey, red, black and white, plastic safety eyes and needles size 5 US.
terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2015
terça-feira, 29 de setembro de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #19 - Mulligan
Desta vez, o tema foi refazer qulaquer um dos temas ja propostos ate agora. Eu escolhi o tema "F is for..." e, com a letra F fiz um peixe (fish) para as minhas bichanas. Usei feltro, fio de algodao e enchimento.
This time we could revisit any of the previous challenges. I went back to "F is for..." and made a little fish toy for my kitties. I used felt, cotton thread and stuffing.
This time we could revisit any of the previous challenges. I went back to "F is for..." and made a little fish toy for my kitties. I used felt, cotton thread and stuffing.
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge # 18 - Wild Thing
A segunda entrada atrasada. O tema foi fazer algo relacionado com animais. Eu decidi continuar com os mesmos materiais e fiz este carneiro. Mais uma vez, as instrucoes sao do livro "Felties" de Nelly Pailloux.
My second late entry. The theme was to make something related to animals in some way. I stuck with the same materials and made this ram. Once again, instructions are from the book "Felties" by Nelly Pailloux.
My second late entry. The theme was to make something related to animals in some way. I stuck with the same materials and made this ram. Once again, instructions are from the book "Felties" by Nelly Pailloux.
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #17 - F is for.....
A primeira das minhas entradas atrasadas. O tema foi a letra F. Materiais, temas, ou qualquer outra coisa que a tenha como inicial. Eu escolhi o feltro e fiz esta pequena boneca de inspiracao Russa. As instrucoes sao do livro "Felties" de Nelly Pailloux
The first of my late entries. The theme was the letter F. Make something, use materials or anything else that begins with that letter. I chose felt and made this little Russian inspired doll. The instructions are from the book "Felties" by Nelly Pailloux.
The first of my late entries. The theme was the letter F. Make something, use materials or anything else that begins with that letter. I chose felt and made this little Russian inspired doll. The instructions are from the book "Felties" by Nelly Pailloux.
terça-feira, 18 de agosto de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #16 - Our State Fair...
O tema proposto foi baseado num concurso que decorre durante o verao em feiras, em muitas localidades no pais, em que se pode concorrer em varias categorias de lavores e cozinha. Eu decidi tricotar uma boina que seria entrada na categoria Needlecraft. O esquema gratis, Edgewater Tam, e de Elizabeth McCarten; usei um novelo Brown Sheep Nature Spun Worsted and needles sizes 4 US (3.5 mm) and 8 US (5.0 mm).
The theme was to craft something that could be entered into one of State Fairs' sanctioned categories. I knitted a hat that could be entered in the Needlecraft category. The free pattern, Edgewater Tam, is by Elizabeth McCarten; I used a ball of Brown Sheep Nature Spun Worsted and needles sizes 4 (3.5 mm)US and 8 (5.0 mm)US.
The theme was to craft something that could be entered into one of State Fairs' sanctioned categories. I knitted a hat that could be entered in the Needlecraft category. The free pattern, Edgewater Tam, is by Elizabeth McCarten; I used a ball of Brown Sheep Nature Spun Worsted and needles sizes 4 (3.5 mm)US and 8 (5.0 mm)US.
terça-feira, 4 de agosto de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #15: So Wee....
Desta vez tinhamos que fazer algo em miniatura. Eu, que adoro tricotar tudo o que seja pequenino, escolhi o mini microondas do livro "Adventures in Mocimochi Land" de Anna Hrachovec. Usei pequenas quantidades de las em cinzento, branco, preto, vermelho e azul; agulhas de duas pontas tamanho 3 US (3.25 mm).
This time we had to make something in miniature version. Since I love to knit wee versions of pretty much anything, I went with the mini microwave from Anna Hrachovec's book "Adventures in Mochimochi Land". I used small amounts of yarn in grey, white, black, red and blue; double-sided needles size 3 US (3.25mm).
This time we had to make something in miniature version. Since I love to knit wee versions of pretty much anything, I went with the mini microwave from Anna Hrachovec's book "Adventures in Mochimochi Land". I used small amounts of yarn in grey, white, black, red and blue; double-sided needles size 3 US (3.25mm).
terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge#14: Blue Skies
Como o tema era a cor azul, as possibilidades sao imensas. Eu decidi tricotar um pequeno gollfinho do livro encantador "Adventures in Mochimochi Land" da Anna Hrachovec.
Usei restos de um novelo azul e agulhas de duas pontas tamanho 2 US (2.75 mm).
Since the theme was the color blue, the possibilities were immense. I decided to knit a small dolphin from the adorable book "Adventures in Mochimochi Land" by Anna Hrachovec.
I used leftover blue yarn and needles size 2 US (2.75 mm).
Usei restos de um novelo azul e agulhas de duas pontas tamanho 2 US (2.75 mm).
Since the theme was the color blue, the possibilities were immense. I decided to knit a small dolphin from the adorable book "Adventures in Mochimochi Land" by Anna Hrachovec.
I used leftover blue yarn and needles size 2 US (2.75 mm).
terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #13: Words, words, words
Um projecto que inclua texto. Depois de muito pensar, e de remexer nos materiais que tenho, tive a idea de aplicar uma imagem e texto numa tshirt. Aquiri uma imagem digital antiga no Etsy, usei um kit Jolee de transferencia de images para tecido e segui as instrucoes.
A project that includes text. After much thinking, and going through all the materials I already have, I had the idea to apply an image and text to a tshirt. I purchased a digital vintage image on Etsy, used an image transfer to fabric Jolee kit and just followed the instructions.
A project that includes text. After much thinking, and going through all the materials I already have, I had the idea to apply an image and text to a tshirt. I purchased a digital vintage image on Etsy, used an image transfer to fabric Jolee kit and just followed the instructions.
terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #12 - I'm Your Number One Fan
Todos nos somos fans de alguma coisa ou de muitas, e foi esse o tema proposto desta vez. Este tema deu-me imensas ideias, mas acabei por tricotar um personagem da serie animada Gravity Falls, de que gosto muito. A historia passa-se numa terra muito pequena onde coisas estranhas e inexplicaveis acontecem; de entre os viloes, destaca-se este pequeno demonio triangular chamado Bill Cipher.
O esquema e de Jaime W. Usei agulhas de duas pontas tamanho 5 US (3.75 mm) e pequenas quantidades de novelos em amarelo, branco e preto.
We are all fans of something or many things, and that was the proposed theme. This theme gave me lots of ideas, but I ended up knitting a character from the animated series Gravity Falls, that I really like. The story is set in a very small town where strange and inexplicable things happen; from among the villains stands one this triangular shaped demon called Bill Cipher.
The pattern is by Jaime W. I used double-pointed needles size 5 US (3.75mm) and small amounts of yarn in yellow, white and black.
O esquema e de Jaime W. Usei agulhas de duas pontas tamanho 5 US (3.75 mm) e pequenas quantidades de novelos em amarelo, branco e preto.
We are all fans of something or many things, and that was the proposed theme. This theme gave me lots of ideas, but I ended up knitting a character from the animated series Gravity Falls, that I really like. The story is set in a very small town where strange and inexplicable things happen; from among the villains stands one this triangular shaped demon called Bill Cipher.
The pattern is by Jaime W. I used double-pointed needles size 5 US (3.75mm) and small amounts of yarn in yellow, white and black.
terça-feira, 9 de junho de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #11 - Paper
Desta vez, tivemos como tema o papel. Depois de ver varios moldes online, decidi fazer penas em papel. Usei papel decorativo, tesoura e molde gratis.
This time we had paper as a theme. After seeing several templates online, I decided to try my hand at some paper feathers. I used scrapbook paper, scissors and a free internet template.
This time we had paper as a theme. After seeing several templates online, I decided to try my hand at some paper feathers. I used scrapbook paper, scissors and a free internet template.
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #10 - E is for....
Um projecto muito atrasado de ha quatro semanas atras. Tinhamos que fazer algo que comece com a letra E. Eu decidi Envolver uma pedra em crochet. O esquema gratis e de Margaret Oomen; usei uma agulha de 2.75 mm e restos de fio de algodao.
A project that is very late from a couple of challenges ago. We had to make something that would start with the letter E. I Enveloped a rock in decorative crochet. The free pattern is by Margaret Oomen and I used a 2.75 mm hook and so0me leftover cotton thread.
A project that is very late from a couple of challenges ago. We had to make something that would start with the letter E. I Enveloped a rock in decorative crochet. The free pattern is by Margaret Oomen and I used a 2.75 mm hook and so0me leftover cotton thread.
terça-feira, 12 de maio de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #9 - Faux
Fazer algo de imitacao foi o tema proposto. Depois de considerar varias ideias, decidi-me por este fossil tricotado. E uma trilobite da autoria de Jessica Goddard, um esquema gratis aqui.
Usei uma pequena quantidade de dois tons de cinzento em Knitpicks Palette.
The theme was to make an item that was faux, an imitation. After considering several ideas, I decided to knit a trilobite fossil. The free pattern is by Jessica Goddard and can be found here. I use a small amount of two shades of grey in Knitpicks Palette.
Usei uma pequena quantidade de dois tons de cinzento em Knitpicks Palette.
The theme was to make an item that was faux, an imitation. After considering several ideas, I decided to knit a trilobite fossil. The free pattern is by Jessica Goddard and can be found here. I use a small amount of two shades of grey in Knitpicks Palette.
terça-feira, 28 de abril de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #8 - Home
O desafio desta vez foi fazer algo para a casa. Eu tinha algumas amostras de tecidos para decoracao, e sao mesmo uma boa medida para fazer almofadas. Esta e para a sala.
Making something for the home was the challenge. I had some decorator fabric samples and they're just the right size to make some pillows. This one is for the living room.
Making something for the home was the challenge. I had some decorator fabric samples and they're just the right size to make some pillows. This one is for the living room.
terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #7 - D is for...
Com a letra D como inspiracao, decidi tingir la (dye, no Ingles). Usei Patons Wool Roving na cor Aran e corante alimetar Wilton na cor Juniper Green.
With the letter D as inspiration, I decided to dye some yarn. I used Patons Wool Roving in Aran and Wilton dye in Juniper Green.
terça-feira, 31 de março de 2015
Iron Craft 15 ~ Challenge #6 - Treat Yo Self
O desafio proposto foi fazer algo especial para nos proprios. Eu tinha uma meada de Madelinetosh Tosh Vintage, na cor " Cousteau" a espera de um projecto especial. E uma la mais cara e de muito boa qualidade.
E assim, escolhi o esquema "Skiff" de Jared Flood e fiz um gorro para mim. Usei agulhas tamanhos 3 (3.35 mm) e 7 (4.5 mm) US.
The challenge was to make something special for us. I had a skein of Madelinetosh Tosh Vintage, in Cousteau, waiting for a special project. So, i picked Skiff by Jared flood and knit myself a very nice hat. I used needles size 3 and 7 US.
E assim, escolhi o esquema "Skiff" de Jared Flood e fiz um gorro para mim. Usei agulhas tamanhos 3 (3.35 mm) e 7 (4.5 mm) US.
The challenge was to make something special for us. I had a skein of Madelinetosh Tosh Vintage, in Cousteau, waiting for a special project. So, i picked Skiff by Jared flood and knit myself a very nice hat. I used needles size 3 and 7 US.
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