quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011

Iron Craft Challenge #46 - Handmade Holiday

Esta semana o tema foi fazer algo para a epoca das festas ou um presente de Natal. Depois de pensar um pouco, decidi experimentar fazer marshmallows caseiros, em forma de arvore de Natal. Usei esta receita e metodo a letra. Foi muito facil e ficaram uma delicia, muito macios e doces! 

This week the theme was to make something for the Holidays or a Christmas present. After some thought I decided to try my hand at homemade Christmas tree shaped marshmallows. I used this recipe and method to the letter. It was very easy and they turned out delicious, very soft and sweet!

3 comentários:

  1. I had homemade marshmallows for the first time recently at a restaurant & was really surprised at how much better they are!

  2. Did you use a cookie cutter to get such perfect shapes? If so, how do you keep it from sticking to the cutter?

  3. How wonderful. I never thought to try and make them.
