Com este tema encerra-se um ano muito criativo. O tema final e fazer algo brilhante. Como passei a semana bastante constipada decidi fazer algo simples. Usando papel, tesoura, cola e brilhantina, fiz flocos de neve decorativos. A ideia veio do facto de nao termos tido um Natal com neve, so nevou ontem.
With this challenge we come to the end of a very creative year. For this final challenge we had to make something with sparkle. I spent the week with a bad sinus cold so I went with something simple. Using paper, scissors, glue and glitter I made decorative snowflakes. The idea came from not having a white Christmas, it only snowed yesterday.
Crock Pot Angel Chicken
Há 13 horas
I know I'm in Michigan for the holiday too & we were happy to see snow yesterday.