The Nerd Wars group on Ravelry organized a swap among all teams. Each person sends another a package with items that meet their preferences, one of them having to be handmade. I already received mine and it was full of awesome surprises! Thank you so much, Lady Katka!
Antes de desembrulhar.
Before unwrapping.
Doces, botoes, marcadores de livros, de copos e de malhas, protectores
de pontas de agulhas.
Candy, bookmark, glass and stitch markers, buttons, point protectors.
Arroz selvagem e receita, lata de neve artificial.
Wild rice and recipe, can of artificial snow.
Um esquema de Alan Dart para tricotar um dragao, um livro de origami.
An Alan Dart pattern to knit a dragon, an origami book.
La fiada a mao, por Lady Katka.
Hand spun yarn by Lady Katka.
E esta linda boneca em crochet, a Sally do filme "Nightmare Before Christmas".
And this beautiful crocheted doll, Sally from the film "Nightmare Before Christmas".
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