quarta-feira, 13 de julho de 2011

Iron Craft Challenge #28 - Reuse

Esta semana foi proposto que se utilizasse algo que normalmente se deita fora ou se manda para a reciclagem. Eu ja ha algum tempo que queria experimentar fazer uma lanterna com uma lata de cafe. Assim, encontrei uns padroes de pontos na inernet, recortei e colei a volta da lata e, usando um martelo e furador, fiz os furos necessarios. O problema que tive e que na zona dos furos a lata ficava um pouco amolgada. Na zona mais perto da abertura ainda consegui martelar pelo lado de dentro e ficou melhor, mas mais para o fundo foi mais dificil.
A seguir pintei com tinta em spray em tom de cobre. Tive tambem alguma dificuldade em tirar uma foto decente, acho que precisava de uma vela maior, dado o tamanho da lata, mas nao tinha.

This week it was proposed to reuse something you would normally throw away or send to the recycling. I always wanted to try making a coffee can lantern. So I found some dotted patterns online, cut and taped it around the can and, using an awl and hammer, made the necessary holes. The problem I had was that there was a dent around each of the holes. The areas around the opening I was able to smooth out, but towards the bottom was harder. Next I spray painted with a copper tone. I also had some trouble taking a good picture, I think I needed a bigger candle given the size of the can but I didn't have one.

2 comentários:

  1. I still really like this idea & think your first go at it was a success.

  2. Its come out well! Its funny that some ideas look so very impressive when we first see it but then we get to know the effort it takes once we give it a shot....surely yours came out well.
