Durante o mes de Julho, atraves do grupo "Knitted Toys" do Ravelry, estou a participar num evento de tricot misterio, cada sexta-feira e publicada uma parte do esquema que no final sera um animal. O esquema e de Emily Ivey e estou a usar novelos Bernat Softee Chunky em duas cores, tijolo e bege; agulhas tamanho 8 US (5.0 mm).
Ja sairam duas partes e aqui fica o que temos ate agora.
During the month of July, through the "Knitted Toys" group on Ravelry, I'm doing a mystery knit-along, a new part of the pattern is published every friday and by the end of the month we'll have a finished animal. The pattern is by Emily Ivey and I'm using Bernat Softee Chunky yarn in brick and light brown; needles size 8 US (5.0 mm).
Two parts are already out and this is what we have so far.
terça-feira, 12 de julho de 2011
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