O tema desta semana sao botoes. Eu adoro botoes! Acho que me ficou de quando a nossa avo materna, que era uma costureira eximia, nos deixava brincar com os muitos e variados botoes que tinha sempre aramazenados.
Aqui ha tempo tinha visto, em mais que um sitio na internet, botoes de madeira feitos a mao.Como se ha coisa que ha aqui em abundancia sao galhos e paus de varios tamanhos, decidi experimentar.
Primeiro escolhi alguns galhos do chao de grossuras diferentes e usei, pela primeira vez, uma serra electrica para os cortar as rodelas. Nao medi nada, foi tudo a olho.
This week's theme are buttons. I love buttons! I think I get that from when our maternal grandmother, who was an excellent seamstress, would let us play with the many and assorted buttons she always had stored.
A while back I had seen handmade wood buttons in a few different places online. If there is something we have plenty f around here is limbs and sticks of all sizes, so I decided to try it.
First I selected a few limbs from the ground of different thickness and used an electric saw for the first time to cut them into slices. I didn't measure, I just eyeballed it.
A seguir lixei para ficarem mais macios.
Then I used sandpaper to make them smoother.
Para fazer os furos utilizei um berbequim manual.
I made the holes using a hand drill.
Depois de limpar o po, apliquei uma camada de oleo para madeira. Que nao so faz sobressair a textura da madeira como tambem ajuda a conservar e selar.
After cleaning the dust I applied some wood oil. It brings out the texture in the wood and it helps seal it.
Ainda nao sei quando os vou utilizar, mas sou capaz de fazer mais de outros tamanhos.
I don't know what I'll use them on yet but I might make more in different sizes.
Pudim de pão com chocolate branco e framboesas
Há 14 horas
I was totally afraid we were doing the same project when you asked about making buttons on the blog! I love the color your's came out to be.
ResponderEliminarThanks for the info. These came out really nice.